INDUSTRIAL LAW – where an enterprise agreement provides for payment of accrued but untaken annual leave at the end of employment – where rate of payment of untaken annual leave is referrable to ordinary hours worked rather than amount payable if leave was actually taken – whether s 90(2) of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) requires payment be equivalent to the amount that the employee would have been paid if the employee had taken the annual leave
INDUSTRIAL LAW – where enterprise agreement provides for retrenchment pay if employee retrenched before the age of 60 but not after – whether retrenchment provision in respect of employees aged over 60 is discriminatory on the basis of age and an unlawful term within the meaning of s 194 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) – whether, if unlawful, entire scheme for retrenchment pay must be severed from the enterprise agreement